Republican House still haven’t learned anything
One has got to wonder how some of the most intelligent people in this world can end up occupying a seat in the House of Representatives and still not be smart enough to know that what you say on the campaign trail is what will be expected from you once you are in office. Barack Obama should have taught them that. He was elected and right off the bat, started to fulfill those promises. If it was going to be demanded from him, surely any person of slightest intelligence would figure it was going to be required from them.
The 2010 election was supposed to be about jobs on the campaign trail and when these people signed into office, it all changed to social issues like abortion, big businesses interest, and assault on union and women’s rights and let’s not forgets gays in the military. On the campaign trail, nearly to a person could be heard saying that Washington wasn’t listening to the American people and all of them promised to do just that. Privatizing Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security was just the tip of the iceberg but like the Titanic, Republicans ran straight into it head first. The only bills that have been voted on have been about abortion and not one about creating jobs as they promised. They promised smaller government yet haven’t explained how that is possible if government is going to monitor every single pregnancy in America and around the world.
Much more of their “punch-drunk” desires can be found in an article by Donna Cassata of the Associated Press titled Health care costs a hefty price tag for Pentagon which reports that “members of the House committee have more than 600 amendments to the overall bill that is expected to come close to the administration's request of $553 billion. The measure will include provisions on keeping open the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and reviving the extra engine for the next-generation F-35 jet fighter.” While I can understand keeping Gitmo open because congress has blocked cleaning out that facility and bringing those incarcerated there to Thompson Prison or another supermax prison here in the states. I can also understand because some of these prisoners have been so mistreated from the last administration that surely they would go right back to fighting us if released and no other country wants them, but this next-generation F-35 jet fighter is another question. Did the pentagon them self say that they did not need or want this but the House wishes to spend that money anyway?
More of this “punch-drunk” thinking is “Rep. Duncan Hunter Jr., R-Calif., will try to delay repeal of the ban on gays in military until all four service chiefs certify that the change won't hurt readiness or undermine the military. The law, in effect since last December, only requires certification from the president, defense secretary and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. “The law has already passed and still private entities and personal feelings enter into a decision which is supported by an overwhelming size of American. Do not these people understand that when you promised to listen to the majority it means the larger number of people? Maybe majority to them is the ones who give the majority to their campaign. Just a thought.
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