Is this really news

Philip Elliott of the Associated Press pens an article titled Romney: Obama 'threw Israel under the bus' in which he reports that “Republicans looking to unseat President Barack Obama charged that he undermined the sensitive and delicate negotiations for Middle East peace.  Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman said Obama undercut an opportunity for Israelis and Palestinians to build trust, acknowledging he didn't watch Obama's speech and was reacting to news coverage.  Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney said Obama "threw Israel under the bus"; former House Speaker Newt Gingrich called it "the most dangerous speech ever made by an American president for the survival of Israel."  "The current administration needs to come to terms with its confused and dangerous foreign policy soon, Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania said in a statement.  Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota called the border suggestions "a shocking display of betrayal" to Israel.  Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin didn't directly address the speech but urged Obama to publicly welcome Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instead of ushering him into private meetings away from reporters, as has occurred on Netanyahu's previous visits.

How is this news?  What would be news is those seeking to unseat President Obama had something worthwhile to say.  Another idea on how to achieve peace in the Middle East.  They offered nothing such as that.  It was expected and came as no surprise to anyone that they would find something that this president has done wrong and would not acknowledge anything that he does right.  Its opinions coming from a group of people who wish to eliminate Medicare as we know it.  A group who stands by placing the burden of a struggling economy on the backs of seniors, the poor and the middle class.  A group who begs you for your vote but soon ignores your needs and concentrates on the need of big business.  A group that seems to have no ideas on how we can fix our many problems facing us but can quickly shoots down the ideas of others.  A group which has declared war on women’s reproductive rights.  A group who campaigned to create jobs but have not proposed one bill to do that or complain about the deficit but vote against saving millions of dollars by cancelling the Bush tax cuts and the big oil subsidies.  What would be news, coming from these people, would be if they provided their own solutions.  What would be news if they show a spine and call a halt to the many erroneous actions of their party?  That would be news, this is not but this is just my opinion and I could be wrong. 


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