The Maverick is back
It’s been a long time coming and I, for one, thought I would never see it again but low and behold on the floor of the senate stood a man who has more creditability on torture than any other person I know. This man is john McCain and yes Virginia he is back.
It has been reported that John McCain stood flat footed on the floor of the Senate and re-educated that body and all who listen that torture does not work and the raid on the Osama bin Laden compound was not a result of it. He re-educated them on exactly what is gained or not gained by torture and there is no one alive today that can disagree with him. This man lived it and did not dream it. What happens now to those who were quick to run to torture’s defense, not sure but I hope that they have some steak sauce to go with their filet of soul.
It is my wish that other politicians and pundits would take a lesson from John McCain and stand up for the truth instead of what sounds good to their particular following but if we have learned nothing else, it should be apparent that this may not be the case. McCain showed his maverick side when he corrected the lady at one of his campaign stops during the 2008 general election but it lost its shine during his recent re-election campaign against J.D. Hayworth. My admiration dimmed as I saw the one and only maverick disappear from the range. Well he is back America and no one can do it better than he can. It has opened him up for more attacks from the right but that is nothing new to this man who stands fearless when it comes to torture. Hats off to him a real American hero that no one can honestly deny.
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