Bin Laden family proves why the non-release of photo good idea

I have heard some spinning of an issue before but none quite like this article written by Zachary Roth titled Bin Laden family condemns killing, while wife says one son escaped, by this family.  Family is expected to bond when a tragic event happens with it and leave it to the media to try and exploit it.  But to just sit there and allow the family of bin Laden to pontificate without challenge makes me even unsure of those we place our faith in to deliver the whole story.  Here is some of the many questions those sons should have been forced to answer.

In the article it was reported that “yesterday, the al Qaeda leader's sons denounced what they called their father's "arbitrary killing." In a statement, bin Laden's sons questioned why their father "was not arrested and tried in a court of law so that the truth is revealed to the people of the world." "We maintain that arbitrary killing is not a solution to political problems," the statement continued, adding that "justice must be seen to be done."  He should have been asked if he felt the same way about the thousands killed by an attack orchestrated by his father on 9/11.  He should have been informed that those killed that day did not get their opportunity in a court of law.  Some one should have asked them that if the actions of their father turned them off so badly, why not one son showed enough heart to turn him in many years ago. 

The report went further by reporting that “in a separate statement posted on a jihadist website yesterday, the sons accused President Obama of ordering "a criminal mission" that "obliterated an entire defenseless family ... contrary to the most basic human sentiment."  And they objected to the decision to bury their father at sea, which some Islamic scholars also have questioned. "It is unacceptable--humanely and religiously--to dispose of a person with such importance and status among his people, by throwing his body into the sea in that way, which demeans and humiliates his family and his supporters and which challenges religious provisions and feelings of hundreds of millions of Muslims," the statement read.”  No where in this article was the question posed to them if they thought the bombers sent by their father was sent on “a criminal mission” that obliterated hundreds of families not to mention wounded an entire nation?  The raid killed 20 but the bombing killed over 3,000 so remind me again why some thinks that this action wasn’t justice?  When I heard these words of “a person with such importance and status among his people”, it makes me think that the photo would have been even more crap to throw against the wall to see if it sticks.

The body of bin Laden was given more reverence than he allowed those killed on 9/11.  Islamic law demands that the body be buried in a short period of time, this would not have been feasible had we kept the body and paraded it around for all to see.  The body was washed and wrapped in white linen as it is custom before given a proper burial.  This was not the attention to detail offered by bin Laden or any of his followers.  Those speaking for him now did not offer any condolences at the time or even send flowers.  The family will have to deal with this as those forced to deal with the loss of their family members on that dreadful day.  Capturing bin Laden would have opened America up to even more problems than this guy was worth.  Think back to that long tunnel under the prison in Pakistan that freed so many and imagine the rewards that would be offered to anyone who returns bin Laden back to “his” people.  Are those who decry foul about his death and the refusal to release the photo really ready for that?


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