After frank discussion between Obama, Reid and Boehner a truth was revealed
I had not thought much about this until I watched breaking news about the meeting between President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Majority Leader John Boehner. I heard the president mention the name of a fellow American who had been interviewed by the mainstream media which he said that if he could address all of the parties involved it would be to tell them to grow up and get to an agreement because a shutdown would hinder his ability to provide for his family. This gentleman was waiting on his tax return to help him shave off disparity and a shutdown may delay his receipt of that return longer. It occurred to me that with so much of the talk centering on a government shutdown, we neglected to see the stories of those who would really be affected.
It also made me aware that John Boehner is third in line for the presidency if something were to happen to those ahead of him. I began to question just how effective he would be in that position considering the fact that he has trouble standing up for more than just Corporate America and the Tea Party. It’s kind of scary if you think about it as he would then push the same agenda that he is pushing now as Speaker of the House. I can not help but think about George W. Bush being reincarnated as John Boehner where control of the White House would not be under one man but one party and Wall Street. Take a look at what he seems to be supporting and imagine that same agenda as president.
The lesson here is that choosing the Speaker of the House should be a more thoughtful process because if the one chosen can not lead a party in the House or Senate, how in the world will they be able to lead this nation. I’m thinking that the same can also be said about Harry Reid and Eric Cantor who would certainly be next in the line to replace Boehner if Mr. Boehner is no longer Speaker. It’s time for all of us to stop pretending and start realizing that election do matter and as the employers of these office holders, we have a much larger responsibility to our selves, our children and our nation than just voting on certain days and at certain times.
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