Another Media exaggeration that’s just as bad as the birther’s

If you are anything like me, you choose the news agency which brings you the news that is easy to understand all sides and that can be trusted.  If you are anything like me, you are still searching for that source.

I wanted on the day when real journalist would pull a “Walter Cronkite” and force those that they are interviewing to prove proof of what they say instead of just allowing them free reign to pontificate.  I thought that surely it would have been the case with experienced journalist but was greatly disappointed.  Donald Trump was invited to speak both in person and on the phone but barely held to standard.  He was not asked about his solutions to the situations we currently face and was let off the hook when he gave stupid answers like “I would tell China that plays time is over” or “I would take over the largest oil field”.  It was never brought to his attention that we had 8 years of that and we all should remember the results.

Now the media is getting behind another exaggeration which is just as bad.  The media will have you believe that the amount of money spent during an election determines the winner.  Under that premise, there is a wonder why some voters feel that their vote does not count.  I mean, why go to the voting stations when you know which candidate has spent the most money.  If candidate A has raised more money than candidate B, why would you waste your time voting for candidate B.? 

 I am sure that some of you have heard the old saying that “money is the root of all evil” and if you take a few minutes to think about it, you will find that there are some truth in that.  Every action taken by many people are determined by money.  You choose a particular career, not because you like doing that job but because it pays more or offer you more benefits.  You buy that bigger house, not because you need the room but because it appears to mean that you are worth more to those around you.  Take for example, the darling of daytime, Donald Trump.  He’s a man who lends his name to buildings as his only form of income and everyone thinks he’s a sage because of it.  Donald Trump never swung a hammer or wielded any metal on these buildings but because they have his name on them, he is thought to be a real estate mogul. 

Who wins the seat does not equate to who spends the most.  Contrary to all we want to believe, it’s the message that wins the votes.  Take the most expensive race you want and give them a message that doesn’t resonate, they will spend the money only to lose the seat.  Meg Whitman in California for example.  Money does not win elections regardless of what anyone say.  It’s the voters who turn out that does.  The more money you have to campaign does not mean the more supporters that you have.  The Tea Party makes up about 23% of the population yet there is evidence that they raise more money than the rest of the 77% left.  If the media keeps pushing the idea that it takes gobs of money to win, then more Americans are going to think “why bother” and this is not the lesson that those fighting for this freedom wish they learn.  It’s the people who decide who leads and who follows so let’s get this right if we can’t get anything else right.


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