Ryan budget passes the House but says more about the direction of our politics

What does it say about a country and its leaders when a group of lawmakers are able to pass draconian bills like the one written about in Andrew Taylor’s article for the Associated Press titled House passes $6T spending cut plan?  More important what does it say about the people who put them into office?  It says that the excellence of a nation is at stake and if the people fail to correct this problem, the economy will not be the only thing that falls flat on its face.

According to the article “the House has passed a Republican budget blueprint proposing to fundamentally overhaul Medicare for future beneficiaries while combating out-of-control budget deficits. It would impose sharp spending cuts on social safety net programs like food stamps and Medicaid.  The GOP proposal passed 235-193, with every Democrat voting "no." The nonbinding plan lays out a fiscal vision cutting $6.2 trillion over 10 years from the budget submitted by President Barack Obama.  It calls for transforming Medicare from a program in which the government directly pays medical bills into a voucher-like system that subsidizes purchases of private insurance plans. People 55 and over would remain in the current system, but younger workers would receive subsidies that would steadily lose value over time.”  So to make sure I got this right, those of my age who has worked and paid into Medicare will get a voucher to purchase medical insurance in he market and regardless how high premiums and the cost goes the voucher will decrease over time.  This presents a few questions.

Question one is what happened to all of the money I invested in Medicare through payroll deduction all these years?  Will that be the amount of the voucher or will the total amount be divided by the number of years I am expected to live and that will be on its face?  What’s next social security of which I have also been paying into?  Veteran’s healthcare or benefits?  Here’s the deal.

I know that there are Republican seniors and baby boomers that have to possess an issue with this as I do.  I know that there should be a majority of independents who also share our feelings and I believe that there are democrats scratching their heads as well.  Commentators, reporters, journalist and pundits say don’t worry about it the plan will never survive the Senate and if it does the president will never sign it.  I say why do we have to take everything to the brink before doing what is right?  Those smart people who voted for this needs to be relocated to another job far outside of Washington.  Send them to Wall Street and see if they can commit as much damage as this will do for those with little to no voice in congress.  Just as they say it is imperative to cut spending and get our financial house in order, I think we need to get our other house in order first, the House of Representatives.  Just my opinion, I could be wrong but you know I’m not.


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