Why all human actions teach us something
I was somewhat confused when I read Nicole Fabian-Weber’s article titled Mom Brings Dead Son to Soccer Game in which she writes “When 17-year-old Cristopher Alexander Jácome Sanguino was shot and killed in a drive-by outside his home in Colombia, I don't think he imagined that he'd be at a soccer game the next day.” Several thoughts entered my head and the one that stood out better than the rest was what the heck was this mother thinking.
Regardless of how passionate anyone feels about one sport or team, inviting 200 people to the funeral held at a cemetery is one thing but to bring a dead body to the sporting event leaves me speechless. What this does teach us is the decision that others make can give us an eagle eye view into the type of person we are. If we can look at what others do and determine if we would follow the same path, helps define us. I am not demised by what this parent has done but I am much better off because I have learned that this is one decision I would have never made.
After a child has been taken from you in one of the most upsetting ways, the last thing I would want to do is demean his memory by parading him out in front of thousands of strangers just to make the news. If anything, the parents should have made attempts to get the team to appear at his gravesite with a T-Shirt, ball or anything that would make this young man happy if he had been alive.
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