Peeling back the many layers of Donald Trump
When peeling back the layers of an onion, you have got to be very careful for fear that the adage is proven true that it will make you cry. After doing a little bit more research on Donald John Trump, I began to get the same feeling about him. Which one do we believe in or which one can we trust. No one will be able to honestly begrudge the man his enormous success in business but to pledge my loyalty behind him present a different dilemma. If he is as great as he makes himself sound and can do as well as he would have us all believe, then why are there still major questions about that which he feels most passionate about, Donald Trump?
The first layer that needs to be addressed is the certainty of really which party he belongs to or what philosophy he will ascribe. “Was Donald Trump toying with the idea of a presidential run as far back as 2009? That's when New York City Board of Elections filings show The Donald switched his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican. In fact, Elections Board records show that the 64-year-old Trump's search for party identity over the last 24 years or so has brought him full circle. In 1987, Trump enrolled as a Republican with the Board of Elections In October 1999; however, he switched his affiliation to the Independence Party because he was considering a run for President as a Reform Party candidate in 2000. Trump never actually threw his hat in the ring back then. Less than two years later, he filed another party enrollment change: In August 2001, just weeks before the 9/11 attacks, made the unlikely switch to Democrat. On Sept. 15, 2009, Trump decided again that he was a Republican.” ( DiGiacomo, Griffith and Fischer, Gatecrasher President Trump? The Donald swapped party affiliations for potential presidential bid in 2009). I’m a little concerned because the last thing we need in the White House is anyone who will go the way of the strongest breeze and not the way of the majority. Taking the torch from the Tea Party does not lend itself to representing a majority unless you see the majority as those who do not believe in equal rights and opportunity for everyone as put better by the 19-year-old Brie Goldsobel. “In perhaps the most surreal moment of the day, 19-year-old Brie Goldsobel and 21-year-old Eric Jaffe performed a mash up of the Tea Party standard, "We Ain't Going Away," by country singer Bruce Bellott with Lady Gaga's, "Born This Way." "My grandma and grandpa are Tea Partiers and they always wanted me to sing for the Tea Party and I always refused," said Goldsobel. "I don't believe in the Tea Party. I personally love Obama." "I voted for him," added Jaffe. "But then we thought, `OK, let's do it and we can make a statement. Sort of a protest within a protest,'" Goldsobel said. "We believe in equality and freedom for everyone." (DeFede, the Daily Beast, Trump's Tea Party Triumph).
The next layer reveals someone who appears to say what he think you want to hear and make promises based on to whom he may be talking to at the time. In an interview with Megan McCain, some of what he said could be easily disputed but since he was not challenged may never really be properly investigated. Donald: Oh, OK, good. I like you. I see you a lot on television. I like you and I like your father, I’ll tell you. And I like your mother. I like your whole family. Hey look, I supported your family, right? Your mom is great. And your father’s great. To be honest with you, Bush made it so bad that Abraham Lincoln couldn’t have beaten Obama. The world was crashing! If you remember six months before, your father was way up. But when the world crashed, nobody as a Republican could have done it. I had thought that Megan would have provided us with a better insight but I remain disappointed after reading this interview. Meghan: If you run for president, will you hire me for your campaign? Donald: I like the idea! I love it! Will you do me a favor? See how I do, and you call me at the right time. I’m serious about it. (McCain, The Daily Beast, Trump to McCain: 'You're Hired!) I hope that Ms. McCain does not put too much stock in being on the Trump campaign anytime soon.
Moving on the another layer and this one is when he defend his omnipotence, never finding or admitting any faults as if when God created him, he broke the mold. I’m kinda sad that we can’t see that big “S” on his chest on television or in news reports when he speaks. Donald: The Apprentice has very high ratings. I don’t need this to get ratings. It’s already the top show on NBC. For instance, I spoke in front of the Tea Party over the weekend in Boca Raton, Florida, and they were expecting 250 people, and when it was announced that I was going to speak they had 6,000 people. (McCain, The Daily Beast, Trump to McCain: 'You're Hired!). If you believe that then I guess the estimates from others must be a lie because only Donald tells the truth. “Trump and West drew hundreds to the small park, where they hoped their chants and cheers were heard in the nation’s capital.” (Unknown Author, Orlando News Trump Appears At Boca Raton Tea Party Rally). Before Trump took the stage, the crowd of more than 2,000 heard from a line of speakers, including another Tea Party favorite, U.S. Representative Allen West. (DeFede, the Daily Beast, Trump's Tea Party Triumph).
Layer number four takes us to a quote he made at that same Tea Party rally in Boca Raton in which he said "most very successful people, the kind of people that we need running our country, don't want to be scrutinized and abused," he said. "This is the kind of person that this country must have right now." (Sedensky, Associated Press, Trump appears at a Tea Party rally in Boca Raton on Saturday) was he describing himself or President Obama? Did he mean that it’s fine for him to attack Obama not just on job performance but personally but for someone like him he is above being scrutinized and abused? Just asking because “Trump's plan: Tell those world leaders that they have to do what the United States wants from now on. In Iraq, Trump said, "we should just take all the oil," adding "to the victor goes the spoils." The same philosophy goes for China and Saudi Arabia and Japan and Europe. With Trump as president, he will tell them all to jump, and all they get to say in return is, "How high?" The only thing America lacks is a tough; take no prisoners "Negotiator-in-Chief" to dicker America's way to the top again.” (DeFede, the Daily Beast, Trump's Tea Party Triumph). My question is did not we just endure eight years of this same “cowboy diplomacy”? Why are we so determined to keep going backward? And as the leader of the free world do we really want someone representing us with no tact and see others as inferior or less than, opened to him to abuse or scrutinize? On Obama's first book, Dreams from My Father: "There is no way he wrote that first book." (DeFede, the Daily Beast, Trump's Tea Party Triumph). I guess the Donald would know because he knows everything right?
The final layer is his ability to get even those thought to be awake believing in his message but then the Bible did say that there would be plenty of Anti-Christ so I guess it’s up to us to look deeper than just superficially or
“One of the biggest obstacles for the Republican Party is they’ve yet to find a candidate with the same mass appeal and charisma as Barack Obama.” Meghan: What I’m looking for is someone who’s not going to take bullshit, not going to let the media run them around, and who is going to give it back to Obama. And you seem to be the only person who’s really doing it right now. (McCain, The Daily Beast, Trump to McCain: 'You're Hired!). “"He does what it takes to get publicity," 68-year-old Jerry Hochfelsen said.”The birther thing, I don't even think he believes it. He's using it to get media coverage." "Trump is great for business," Evan Smith said, adding he would also be great for the country. "You know his show The Apprentice? It's more of an educational show than a reality show. You can learn a lot about business by watching it." His lesson, "Business ethics," he said. "Don't be afraid to do what you need to do to get ahead." “78-year-old Richard Walters says "I didn't like him." "He was an arrogant bastard. But I love him now. He is the only person in this country who can right the ship." (DeFede, the Daily Beast, Trump's Tea Party Triumph).
I must admit though, I did find out some who were willing to leave that Tea Party rally “by the time he started dredging up Obama's Chicago past and his ties to Bill Ayers and Tony Rezko, some in the crowd started to get up to leave. "This part is exactly what he said on Hannity's program," one fellow said to another as he made his way out of the park. "He needs some new material," his friend agreed.” (DeFede, the Daily Beast, Trump's Tea Party Triumph). It is my hope that someday, someone will ask him about a few people in his past as he brings up Obama’s like “did The Donald and the dictator make a backdoor deal? The Trump Organization hinted he had been hornswoggled when he agreed to rent his prime acreage. (Author Unknown, Associated Press, Gadhafi deal unravels: Time to fire Trump?) or about “The Savarona is an historical gem but was used today as a high-end bordello, staffed with beautiful models who also serve as prostitutes, working at the beck and call of Tevfik Arif. A wealthy Russian-American businessman, he is a real-estate developer who has partnered with Donald Trump on several projects including the Trump Soho and the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Fort Lauderdale.” (Unknown Author, New York Daily News, Trump Business Partner Busted for Running Prostitution Ring on Historic Yacht). But the thing that I wish to know about more than anything else was spurred when I heard Snoop Dogg joke about Donald Trump running for president and it not being the first time he’s ever evicted a black person from their home. I want to know if Trump ever made up for the 45 years of tax abatement that he got from the City of New York or if he ever missed any sleep when “peering into the pit, the workers could plainly see a violated grave: skulls, ribs, vertebrae, right there under the excavator’s claw. The bones were found in the northeast corner of the pit, where an African Methodist Episcopal church had stood until 1963. They could have belonged to slaves or abolitionists. (Idov, New York Magazine Trump Soho Is Not an Oxymoron).
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