In less than six months Gadhafi will be out of power without US combat boots on the ground
I have become increasingly annoyed by those law makers, journalist, reporters and talking heads who keep questioning the resolve of those leading our military as well as the American public itself. This is evident by all of them asking the same questions if they are being led by the same entity and can not think for themselves. I say that because it’s a question of thinking that the citizens who occupy this nation are incapable of multitasking. They question what the military mission in Libya is and then question whether it will be dependent upon the policy mission. Contrary to what is believed in Washington, some people are capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time. What is so hard to comprehend about while conducting military missions we can not be conducting diplomatic missions as well. Do not any business have sales people making sales calls while the accounting department is working to keep track of the money, all during an 8 hour shift on the same day. If this is possible then we as adult Americans, and some American children I might add, can do both without one depending on the completion of another.
Another seemingly vital point of those with so many questions and no answers is the cost, which will pay for it and how much will it cost. In Iraq, we went it alone which probably accounts for us being on the hook for the total cost, by this administration getting other nations to join us and then assuming a support role after the initial invasion, this cost will be shared. It seems not to be a major concern when Iraq was upon us but it’s so detrimental now. This nation is no broke and it has the money but those seating in those soft seats and do not have to worry at all about dodging one bullet have advocated the money other places like to those they call “job creators” who have shipped out more jobs than they have created or allowed these same “job creators” to get away with not paying anywhere close to their share.
All this will be mute in less than six months from now because Gadhafi will be gone and the Libyan Conflict will be over and just a memory. How do I know this? I know this because I have faith in those I helped choose to lead us. I saw the answer and you can to in this article written by the CNN Wire Staff titled Battles rage in Libya amid defections of key Gadhafi allies. It reports “On Thursday word emerged that Gadhafi's pick for U.N. ambassador had defected to Egypt -- a day after Libya's foreign minister fled to London and told the government there that he had resigned.” This defection is the tip of the iceberg and with the information they possess, we will be able to diplomatically forces out Gadhafi and anyone else who will be escaping war crime charges. Probably the best proof that the party is over for Gadhafi and he knows it is this tiny portion of that same article “as Moammar Gadhafi's inner circle showed possible signs of cracking Friday, heavily armed forces loyal to the Libyan leader continued pounding cities that were once some of the country's most prosperous places.” For some there may be a question of why this is the proof. It’s proof because for an individual like Gadhafi and his sons, attempting to destroy as much of the cities as he can before he leaves is a common action taken by those spoiled kids when they can not get their way. Not to mention that those mercenaries hired to protect him will quickly throw up their hands as soon as opposition forces get close enough to them. For this style of fighters no amount of money will ever be worth their lives, they will stand and fight long distance but when it comes to close quarters, they will discover that they have no heart.
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