Republican gambles to defeat President Obama
Before the ink dried on the ballots electing Barack Obama the 44th President of the United States, the battle was joined. It was a battle between those who could not imagine an African-American ever being in the White House and those who wanted change. All along the way, different types of ammunition was used to defeat this person and to opposition demise nothing they tried worked but there was no giving up for these die-hard real Americans who saw this person as nothing like them.
Before he met with the Republicans the very first time, they had gotten together and decided to oppose everything he attempted to do. Many leaders of the party were already touting his failure and publically proclaiming him a “one-termer”. They were sure that he would fail, especially on one of his signature legislation skirmishes called Healthcare, that one prominent party member called it his “Waterloo”. The voters must have figured out their strategy because when they put him into office, they gave him a majority in both chambers. Because of the foresight of the voters, President Obama was able to hit the ground running. The country was beginning to move in the right direction and the opposition was quieting down. The impeachment of his process was not something that they could do on their own so they enlisted the aid of some of those from the president’s own party. One can only wonder where we would be today had those who sold out have found their spine.
Having failed to stop this president even with the help of those with little to no heart from the opposite side of the aisle, the Republican Party enlisted the aid of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Corporate America and the U.S. Supreme Court. Their objective, do what ever it takes to see that this president does not get another term even if it means destroying the nation. Their motto was sometimes you have to burn down a village to save it and they were prepared to do just that. Businesses who once cried out for taxpayer help to save their homes and livelihood was now refusing to help those that answered their call with saving their homes and livelihood. They downsized putting more of those same taxpayers out of work. They shipped even more jobs over seas and took away the ability to provide for their families from those who answered their call. They used the money taxpayers gave them to buy local and federal politicians instead of helping this country rebuild as promised.
They have enjoyed some success not because 25% of the voters became the majority but because the 75% decided to sit on their hands during the midterm. Now they have a foothold in making these last years difficult for this president to continue to fulfill his campaign promises and if they can shut down the government, then it is speculated that this could seal his doom to one term. Republican governors use the budget to wipe out his support from union groups while putting the middle class and poor in such disarray that they may throw up their hands and stay home during 2012 elections. Now the Republicans in Washington are hiding their social agendas behind a budget deficit hoping to accomplish the same. Not knowing if it will work, some Republicans now use the Libyan conflict to show this president’s lack of leadership even though the unanimous vote from the U.S. Senate’s resolution looks just about identical to the resolution passed by the United Nations. This could only have been done through real leadership by this administration when addressing the United Nations.
Bottom line, this country as come to far to turn back now and there is no real reason to torch the entire nation just because you do not agree with who the majority choose to lead. You can secure your liberties as long as yours does not infringe upon ours and the only way to do that is through compromise. Each getting a little of what they want because we live in a society where no one party, group or individual gains while the rest lose. Look to your history and learn from it, then and only then will this nation grow into the nation it was meant to be.
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