Commentators miss excellent opportunity to make news
I am often amazed at how cable news commentators and journalist can go after a news story but make nothing but noise. The discussion goes not to further the conversation or add any new information to the debate.
Today I was witness to this happening with one of my favorite commentators/reporters, Contessa Brewer of MSNBC. She had a conversation with two Tea Party activist and the main topic of conversation was Michelle Bachman. While this may be something that some would be interested in, it did not advance the debate because both were supportive of this person. I believe that Ms. Brewer missed an opportunity to make news because she kept the conversation there. I think that if she had asked them their opinion on the collective bargaining issue, on the ultimate number of bills being proposed by the U.S. House of Representatives that have nothing to do with jobs but abortion or if they agreed with the action of many recently published moves of republican governors, the answer she received would have probably made big news.
I think commentators are also missing an opportunity to make news because they are not interviewing the American Muslim on the street to get a real sense of the feeling about Pastor Terry Jones and of the threats he is receiving or even the deaths and beheadings that are associated with the Koran burning. I think that those in the media must be willing to go beyond just speaking with those that they are comfortable with and ask the questions to those who will actually be affected. Everyone says “the American public” but are they commenting based on a poll or the opinions of those within their circle? There are more moderate Muslims in America that feel as all other Americans about the radical element in all religions. Burning the Koran was a radical act and if a radical act is performed by radicals then should not Terry Jones and Wayne Sapp be considered as such? Just my opinion and I could be wrong.
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