NBC’s role in Trumps rise to the top of the extreme ladder
I was watching The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell last night and he made this point which I had not thought of until after he made it. NBC Entertainment Division could have easily stopped Donald Trump in his tracks if the media and those with a little spine in Burbank, California had stepped up and spoke out. They have not and therefore have allowed this country to again become marred in this deep chasm of racism again. They are not the only ones to blame, the public is just as guilty but NBC took a position that can not only prove worthless in the end but could be quite costly.
If African-Americans and those who are grossly offended by the implied comments of Mr. Trump were to say enough and turn the channel from any show on the NBC Network would the NBC Entertainment Division, then is more concern with a conflict between them and Donald Trump? Would General Electric (GE) be happy that they continue to remain silent while Trump hides behind them instead of being even the slightest bit of a real man and step out on his own? How long do you think it would be before Mr. Trump loses his job on NBC and have to rely on other means of support to pay for his traveling circus?
As Chris Matthews said on his show Hardball, it’s time to start holding these people accountable for what they say because these lies are costing them nothing but costing this nation much. It’s time to blanket the courts with defamation of character lawsuits when things are said that are not true because just trying to embarrass them is truly not working. We all make mistakes and we all step on our cranks at one time or another but those that are getting in front of the cameras have taken human mistake from isolated incidents to an art form.
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