Is Autism really on the rise or just better diagnosed?
As parents many of us wish to explain and explainable action by our child and in so doing, we search and search. During this search we sometimes come upon a good enough reason and if they reason could provide us an even slight excuse, we take it. Could we be doing the same with autism?
According to MSNBC there has been an increase of 57% in autism cases from 2002-2006. The report said that there has been a 600% increase in the disorder and it affects 1 in 110 kids in America. While this information is astounding it should not be so alarming that we do what we so often do and that is over-react. We over-react like we did with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and began to prescribed medication for our children which today results in more than average amount of children, teens and young adults now hooked on some type of drug and rely solely on the medical community to solve their aches and pain instead of themselves. We leave all of our health decisions up to a medical profession who knows less about us than we know about ourselves.
With many side effects worse than the cause was for taking the medication in the first place, we dare to wonder why many of our most precious treasures and God’s greatest gifts to this world find it very difficult to cope alone. This is not what I believe is meant when it is spoken that a parents number one role is the health and welfare of a child.
Recently my son was diagnosed with a slight to moderate case of autism and while I have no earthy idea just what that means, I do know one thing. He will not be a guinea pig for scientist looking to discover the next big eradiation of a disease nor will he take medication designed to make him normal. As far as I am concerned my son is normal even though he may at times be a handful or do some things that I can not explain. I am sure when I was growing up; I did some things that my mother could not explain as well.
Are we depending on knowing what ails our children without first knowing if it is a sickness or disease to the child themselves? If a child is not in pain then why are we attempting to dose them with pain medication? A child is constantly active and you find it very hard to keep up with them, how about this, instead of shooting him/her full of drugs, take him/her to a large play area bring plenty to read and let them run.
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