Is Goldman Sachs the new Illuminati?
While channel surfing last night, I stopped by The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Stewart was interviewing William Cohan about his new book and I heard Mr. Cohan say that Goldman Sachs was a collection of very smart people who were put on Earth to make money. Sounded like a very strange statement which made me even more interested in how he came to believe such a thing.
Mr. Cohan mentioned that many of our former and current leaders of the financial sector of this economy were prior employees or leaders of Goldman Sachs. He mentioned people like Robert Rubin and Henry Paulson who served as United States Secretary of the Treasury as well as Mark Carney, the governor of the Bank of Canada since 2008. Research lead me to discover that Stephen Friedman, a former director of Goldman Sachs, was named Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in January 2008 and we are all aware of the connection that Goldman Sachs plays in the current government, not to mention that Goldman Sachs was alleged to have connections with AIG.
The Illuminati is said to be an organization which acts as a shadowy "power behind the throne", allegedly controlling world affairs through present day governments and corporations. This may fit because Goldman Sachs has a global headquarters in New York and over 20 offices in the US as well as an international hub in the UK. Mr. Cohen mentioned that the son was rumored to even seat on the board and may have had some influence in setting policy that the Wall Street Gang enjoys today. It will take better investigators than I but as a layman, it may just explain why this country is stuck in neutral and those that are making the best of their time on earth are those closely connected to Goldman Sachs and other entities similar to them.
While I can understand why any business would love to have the best and the brightest to head their departments, I can not help but to think that this practice has gone way too far and seems to be re-using these minds as the poor re-uses old coffee grounds. Brilliance and intelligence is not limited to Ivy League Colleges or the refuge of Goldman Sachs. There are farmers whose only wish is to grow crops that have as much talent to run and be successful in the board room as any of those groomed for it but will never receive that notoriety because they are missing from Wall Street’s circle of friends. Maybe its time for “fresh blood” and new ideas but change must come in the form of choosing from another barrel instead of the one they have been picking from lately. Just my opinion and I could be wrong.
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