Gadhafi withdrawal imminent with the fall of Sirte

It was reported several weeks ago that Gadhafi’s days would be numbered if the following things happened.  The first was the defection of fully trained military personnel to provide rebels with some kind of guidance when it comes to military strategies.  The second was when morale began to wan on the pro-Gadhafi side of the equation.  Pam Benson a CNN Senior National Security Producer proves the evidence of this in her article titled  U.S. intelligence sees doubts among Gadhafi's advisers, official says which reports that “U.S. intelligence sees signs that some of those who are "relatively close to the Libyan leader are questioning whether he has staying power," a U.S. official says.  Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said it best "One should not underestimate the possibility of the regime itself cracking."

Another obvious truth to this assertion can be found in Ryan Lucas of the Associated Press article titled Libyan rebels bear down on Gadhafi's hometown which reports “In a late development, the official Tunisian news agency said Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa arrived in Tunis on what it called a "private visit." No further details were available.”  It’s also reported that “rebel forces bore down Monday on Moammar Gadhafi's hometown of Sirte, a key government stronghold where a brigade headed by one of the Libyan leader's sons was digging in to defend the city and setting the stage for a bloody and possibly decisive battle.  The rebels are currently just 60 miles (100 kilometers) from Sirte, the bastion of Gadhafi's power in the center of the country.  So Sirte is the last line of defense."    

When this take place those who have been questioning this president since he announced his candidacy for president will now say after Gadhafi leaves, what now?  What is not been expressed greatly is that there are current events happening now that are trying to put together the best possible angles right now.  How long will this takes, only God knows but to keep up the pressure without putting boots on the ground is fine by me.


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