Controversial New College Scholarship is no joke.

I must admit, when I first read this article by Daily Beast writer Lloyd Grove’s article titled Save The White Males!, I was annoyed that such a waste of ink would be used.  I was greatly surprised and became supportive of this action after completing the article and putting myself in the shoes of the writer.  I was especially moved when I read that “When we decided to start this scholarship, the conversation was primarily along the lines of ‘There is something out there for almost any and every demographic, but we don’t see anything out there for this demographic.’ So we decided to go ahead and at least contribute toward a solution.”  This was something that I had never thought about until now but what really made me embrace this idea was reading ““We’re trying to help those people better their own lives. We’re not making any political claims. We’re just trying to help people” and “On CNN, Bohannan insisted: “We do not promote any kind of racial bigotry or white supremacy, and we don’t take money from people who do. If you’re part of a white supremacist group… keep your money. We don’t want your money.”

While it may be a novel idea, it is worth considering that this nation was founded on equal rights for all if any group, regardless of how small it may be are being left out then it is incumbent on all of us to make sure that the rising tide really does left all boats.  The Former Majority Association for Equality may turn out not to be the organization as represented by its founders but until that day comes and it is proven to be true, we all should step back and give them a chance to help those who are in need but do not have access to getting that help.  While it may not sound like a group that is left to fend for themselves, unless you are a part of this group or know someone who is, let’s not judge.  The fact that one of the founders himself said “I’m not claiming that it’s a disadvantage to be a white male; I’m just recognizing that there is a subset of white and male that cannot afford the money for school,” says Bohannan and who also “describes himself as a twice-deployed Iraq War veteran who was honorably discharged from the Army last year, giving them a chance is not asking too much.


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