Joe Manchin goes the way of Blanche Lincoln
I was not the least surprised to hear that the freshman senator upbraiding President Obama was Joe Manchin. I was not surprised because while trying to keep his seat in Congress, he has forgotten what keeping his seat really meant and that was finding common ground for what’s best for America and not what’s best for Joe Manchin. This is the same track that Blanche Lincoln found herself on and many of us “political junkies” know what happened to her. The question is will Joe Manchin learn from this or is he destined to repeat it?
Associated Press Andrew Taylor pens this decent article titled Freshman Democrat upbraids Obama on spending detailing the path of Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia. It read “A freshman Democratic senator accused President Barack Obama on Tuesday of failing to provide leadership on a worsening national deficit as top Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill spent more time pointing fingers than seeking common ground on a must-do measure to fund the government for the next six months. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., called on Obama to lead "tough negotiations" on wrapping up last year's unfinished budget work and said that "right now, that is not happening." "When it comes to an issue of significant national importance, the president must lead," Manchin said. The freshman senator faces re-election next year in a state where voters are generally hostile to Obama.”
No one says that it’s a bad idea to disagree with Obama because there are plenty of decision that he has made which other politicians has disagreed with but to try and upstage him in front of cameras and a microphone may be. Many are looking to politicians to stand up for their beliefs but allow compromise to move the country forward, calling the president out for lack of leadership is not a question of finding what’s best for this nation, its finding what’s best for Joe Manchin. What we want is civility not demagoguery. What we want is politicians that agree to disagree but without being disagreeable in public.
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