Now is the time to invest in the NIKKEI

Associated Press writer Tomoko A. Hosaka reports in his article titled Japan feeds more money to banks as stocks slump that “Japan's central bank pumped billions more into the financial system Tuesday to quell fears that the country's banks could be overwhelmed by the impact of the massive earthquake and tsunami.  Two cash injections totaling 8 trillion yen ($98 billion) came a day after the Bank of Japan fed a record 15 trillion yen ($184 billion) into money markets and eased monetary policy to support the economy in the aftermath of Friday's 9.0 magnitude quake that has killed thousands.  The benchmark Nikkei 225 stock closed Tuesday down 10.6 percent at 8,605.15.  Knowing the trend of how things like this happen, many investors should begin to seek an opportunity to make millions on the one thing we all know is coming, the rebuild.

We all know that this is coming because all great nations will absorb the controlled and uncontrolled events of its history and come back much stronger than ever before.  Japan is one of these great nations.  It has dealt with major challenges before and each time emerged as one of the top economies in the world and it will do that again.  Like the United States and other strong nations, events may knock us down but nothing will ever hold us there.  Japan and its people are able and quite capable of coming out of this with an even stronger resolve than it has ever had before.  It is my hope that America is one of the nations poised to be standing with them side by side as they rebuild their country from the first stick to the last concrete wall.

As Japan begins to rebuild, having positioned yourself when everyone else was abandoning ship means that you, as an investor, will be on the ground floor of this reconstruction era and could means millions where waiting too long could only mean hundreds.  The choice is up to those who can invest and for people like me who can only dream of one day having the opportunity to assist in making lives better for those less fortunate, all we can do is watch.


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