What is about regular Americans that offend Republicans?
This article is in by no way paining all Republicans with a broad brush and is not intended to offend those “real” Republicans out there but it is a question that deserves an honest answer. I draw my question and inspiration from and Associated Press article titled Republicans say new consumer bureau too powerful.
In it states that “House Republicans said Wednesday that a new government agency designed to protect consumers from problems with mortgages and other financial products has too much power. They also criticized it for participating in a federal-state effort to force mortgage servicers to change the way they foreclose on troubled homeowners.” My question is what is wrong with an agency created by Washington to protect consumers from gambling and abuse by those with deeper pockets and businesses who only see their customers as dollar signs with legs? It appears to report that the main reason behind Financial Services Chairman Spencer Bachus, R-Alabama objection is “that Congress doesn't control the bureau's budget, that it will be headed by a director and not a bipartisan commission, and that it has strong leeway to decide which financial products it will curb.” My question is why wouldn’t we want an agency that decides for themselves what rules they will implore. Whether they are lead by a commission or a single director, those individual (s) will still have to answer to the public and not having congress involved may just mean that the public may just finally get what it has deserved for so long. A part of the establishment that really works for us and not lobbyists.
The Republicans fight to cut middle class and poor programs designed to help us move forward and demand more from these same groups but they strongly defend allowing the wealthiest among us to keep tax breaks that they don’t need and was never paid for. They wish to strip us of the right to band together for better work conditions but applauded the Supreme Court decision which gave corporation the same rights as individuals. Thank goodness that Elizabeth Warren was asked to head this department because now I feel we have someone who will not cower to congress and really stand up for the average American in those halls. I say that because of the things that she was quoted as saying like "If there had been a consumer agency in place, the problems in mortgage servicing would have been exposed early and fixed while they were still small, long before they became a national scandal," the Harvard law professor told the financial institutions subcommittee of the House Financial Services Committee.’ And "we are not only glad to be helpful, we are proud to be helpful," she said. To Ms. Warren all that I can say are You go Girl!
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