How States can close their budget deficits without laying people off and cutting services

As many of you well know by now, many Republicans Governors and State Houses are using the excuse of their deep state deficits to make rules which are completely contrary to the U.S. Constitution.  While some very contentious Americans are finding ways to correct this problem others seem too stunned to act.  For those who are too stunned and those who are benefiting greatly by their actions, I have a compromise.

Since mostly Republicans are dead set against the rich having to pay their fair share and mostly democrats and independents are against taking any more form the poor and middle class in the country, here is a suggestion which may allow all of us to meet in the middle.  Millions and millions of dollars are taken from drug cartels and dealers here in the United States.  My suggestion is to take that money and close state’s budget gaps.  Since many of these groups or individuals are not in it to help anyone but themselves force them to help the entire state.  It keeps many states from taking away from the poor and middle class and keeps the riches of us rich.  It also gets this money back into the economy much faster than getting congress to agree on anything.  Since this money is originally from citizens, it shouldn’t take much red tape to give it back to that states’ citizens.

Take a few minutes and add up all of the money seized from these groups or individuals, then apply that to that particular states’ budget woes to get an idea just how much more balanced it would be.  For those agencies that do this for the federal government, in the state from which they made this collar, the proceeds should be shared with those states.  For the states that can’t seem to find these groups or individuals then we will have to consider maybe hedge fund managers or people like Bernie Madoff to help there.  I think it will work out but then that’s just my opinion and I could be wrong.


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