How much more must we take?

At what point are the real Republicans going to stand up and demand that the rich be held just as responsible for this economic mess as the rest of the nation.  We see so-called Republicans going after teachers, police officers, firemen and other middle class and poor people now they set their sights on veterans.  You ask people to fight for your freedoms and die so that you can enjoy them yet when it comes time to belly up and show them just how much you appreciate their sacrifice, you go and cut any funding that is designed to help them when they need you most.

If it had not been for CNN Money dot com’s Jennifer Liberto article titled Budget cuts may hit homeless vets, I would have never known that this was hidden in the proposed cuts at all.  I, like many others, would have only concentrated on those that are being televised on cable news.  I would have never got the chance to voice my opposition to this surgical strike by Republicans on veterans.  They voted against expiration of the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans but are for taking money form those who provided them with the opportunity to enjoy the life they have.  My only question is whose next?

These same individuals, who are supposed to be from the Party of Lincoln, have demeaned unemployed Americans, seniors, the middle class and the poor.  Now they look to target veterans and all women. 
“The cut is among hundreds tucked into the spending bill that House Republicans passed last week that slashed $61 billion in the remaining six months of the 2011 fiscal year.”  “Republicans say they're targeting the housing subsidy program because it's too slow. While 30,000 vouchers have been issued to veterans, they point to funding for 11,000 more vouchers that have yet to be issued. Republicans say they're just zeroing out unused vouchers.”  Their spokesperson says that “"Until all of the vouchers are used, there is no point in providing additional vouchers that will sit unused," said Jennifer Hing, spokeswoman for the House Appropriations Committee.”  Could someone please ask Ms. Hing in what branch of the service did she serve and if she personally know any veteran who would benefit from this program?  I served in the US Marines and I know quite a few veterans, personally, who need this and because of the job that they performed for all of us deserves this.

There has got to be some real Republicans out there that know this class warfare is wrong and targeting everyone else except those who are truly responsible for this mess or those who have not been asked to sacrifice is as wrong as wrong can be.  They voted into office these individuals and now have to take responsibility for their actions.  I just wonder if they are as strong as they want their representatives to be.  If so, stand up, step up and declare this is wrong and demand they stop or sit back as many may choose to do and hope that after draining all of us, they do not come after you.  Please be aware though, according to the current course, if it becomes a choice between the top 3% paying more and you, it will not be the top 3%.


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