Obama backs bipartisan proposal to improve healthcare

I received this email from Mitch Stewart of Organizing for America which informed me of this new development in the Healthcare debate that was not covered by cable news except for the Rachel Maddow Show.  Republicans say that the Affordable Care Act is not a good thing for America and if that is the case President Obama has put the ball back into their court by standing behind a proposal from Senators Ron Wyden of Oregon, Scott Brown of Massachusetts, and Mary Landrieu of Louisiana.

The new bipartisan proposal -- the Empowering States to Innovate Act -- would allow states to implement health reforms that work for them starting in 2014 -- three years sooner than the date originally laid out in the Affordable Care Act.  Now knowing the history of Republican thinking, it would not surprise me that none of these Republican Governors will take up this challenge and craft legislation that would maintain the principles of the Affordable Care Act but fit the need of each state individually.  Even though it would be nice to see that we really can build on ideas instead of tearing them down for political gain.

The email said it best “He (President Obama) knows that good ideas don't necessarily come from one person, one party, or one state -- that the best solutions are simply the ones that work.”  “And he knows it's not the loudest voice in the room -- but the most reasonable -- that ultimately provides real leadership.”  It’s time for all of us to focus more on the word in front of our names instead of the letter.  The letter may be an “R” “D” or “I” but the word is “American”.   Ron Wyden, Scott Brown and Mary Landrieu sat down as Americans to create a better way to serve and protect American citizens.  Is this not what we ask from our elected officials?

This reminds me of the fight over abortion rights in Wyoming where State Representatives and Senators stood together to stop a bill that would put government in charge of women’s medical decisions.  These brave women and men were not all Democrats, they were Republicans as well and together they said no to such a large scale of government that would be involved in women’s reproductive decisions nationwide.  This is how government should work at least that’s my opinion and I could be wrong.


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