17 Governors and State Legislatures sold their States to the Highest Bidder
It is not a coincidence that 17 U. S. Sates are all seeking to band the collective bargaining provision of unions. Recent events of Wisconsin State Legislature have proven this beyond any doubt. Some of these Governors and State Legislatures have gone even further and set-up their benefactors to take over entire cities. The Citizens united decision was the first stage in their plan to take over this country and we have been so sure that this kind of thing would never happen in a nation like ours, we were not paying attention. Glen Beck railed against the President Obama creating a caliphate. No one would have ever guessed that he may have been right except he may have been looking in the wrong direction.
Major donors promised to not only get their henchman elected to office but to bring jobs and money into the their states if they go rid of collective bargaining and gave them a bigger tax break. Governors and State Legislatures swallowed that bait, hook, line and sinker. They sold out those that they were hired to protect and they did it with a smile on their face. Many thought that the Tea Party was a great idea in the beginning and did nothing when it was being corrupted by those who can buy their way through life. Democrats, Independents and the real Republicans sat by an allowed this new wave of greed to envelope not only Wall Street but our congress, our state and now our political process. We have no one to blame except ourselves. We elected people who played the songs we wanted to hear and we ignored common sense because we elected them. Now they sit on the throne of power and are as confused as to who got them there that they only seek with the riches to make their dreams come true and stomp all over the dreams of the public.
What has been slightly overlooked is, we only rented that power to them and no matter how deep the pockets of their bosses, we carry the power to restore this country and it is called our vote. We can fix this problem and stop them in their tracks but we are going to have to listen better and make better decisions on which we choose to represent us. Citizens United gave corporations the same rights as regular citizens but there was one thing that judges could not give them. That, my friends is free-will and that is the difference between those who trample all over our rights to express the rights of the rich and us owning the platform and microphone they use to do it. The leaders who assault the working class and poor for the benefit of the rich has shown that they really do not know how to lead so its time we place them at the back of the line and put in people who remember from whence they came.
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