Why I think President Obama refuses to speak out on the extended magazine controversy
I have mentioned before about the care that some commentators and show owners demonstrate when it comes to a particular story that they feel passionate about. I feel the need to readdress the extended magazine controversy first brought to my attention by Lawrence O’Donnell on the Last Word and backed up by some progressive groups. Mr. O’Donnell just can’t understand why President Obama has not yet spoken out about doing this issue.
I shall attempt to try and add my take to this issue again. I first mentioned that the reason he has not rattled his saber is because it appears if you wish legislation to be dead on arrival all you have to do is have the president step up to the microphone and say something. What I think that Obama Administration is doing is getting out of the way for House of Representative Democrat Carolyn McCarthy. The Executive Branch does not make laws and this president ahs said many times that he will not try to legislate from the White House. He will allow congress to do their job and he will concentrate on doing his. He chooses not to step in front of lawmakers and chooses to quietly show the support that many are calling for him to express loudly. This is not how leaders lead. A leaders is not one who continually look for the credit but knows that so many more are involved in making thing happen and to share credit is a much more important trait.
Once a bill is argued, complied and formed then I believe he will step up and to any microphone to declare his support openly. Anything else could be seen as complete disrespect for lawmakers like Ms. McCarthy who have a more vested interest in seeing this ban of extended magazines become law. While this is about the best I can do to possibly show another side to this argument, there are others who could do more but that is decision that they have to make on their own. Just my opinion and I could be wrong.
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