How and why the Republican House Leader pushed pass the court order on Collective Bargaining?
An article written by Doug Mataconis for Outside the titled Wisconsin Defies Court Order, Publishes Collective Bargaining Law reports that “when a Wisconsin trial court judge struck down Wisconsin’s new collective bargaining law, she issued an injunction forbidding the state from both enforcing the law, and from publishing it as part of the official Code of Wisconsin. Despite the fact that the order is still in effect, the state has gone ahead and published the law” and some reporters and journalist are scrambling to explain how and why this happened. I think that I might have the answer.
Because democrats stayed home in the midterm elections, they door was opened quite wide for the Tea Party and the Republican Party to come on in. Thinking that they had showed their democratic lawmakers a thing or two, those who stayed home really had no idea what was going to happen. They all assumed that nothing this drastic would ever come to pass so instead of handling their business, they punted. Now that many state houses are over-ran with Tea Party and Republican personnel who wish to “take back their country”, an all out assault has been declared on women, minorities, unions, the poor and the elderly. That was how it happened.
Why it happened is because many of those newly elected and those who did not have to run but can not find the heart to stand up or step up have backed the play of Corporate America who now laid claim to those in office. It was promised by Corporate America that if some restrictions was lifted and business were able to get the same “slave labor” here in their state as they could overseas, they would bring those jobs back and locate them in the states that would give them all those tax breaks. Of course this had to happen and the laws had to be on the books before the jobs would return. Corporate America had also made plans to insure that those who could be seen voting against their agenda would not get elected even if it meant suppressing them. So after the 2012 vote, with a new Republican President in office to now help Washington Republicans push these same laws federally, they would finally have their utopia. The jobs would return to those states sold to them and the governors of those states would be able to proclaim victory over the unemployment monster and lock in their re-election bid if they so choose.
Great plan if it would have worked but it’s not and here’s why. Those who trample on another to elevate themselves shall never prosper and eventually will fall much further than they ever could have climbed. The public is now fully awake and those who stayed home during the midterms will not stay home from the 2012 general election. The damage that has been and will resonate for quite some time has already been done. The damage will not just affect democrats, women, minorities, unions, the poor and the elderly; it will indirectly affect the “real” Republicans that do exist out there. Wonder what Megan McCain and others like her would say about the current and long term path for them regarding this development?
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