What affect the Japanese Nuclear issue should have on America

The Tsunami and the explosions of the Japanese nuclear power plant have made many in the United States nervous about building more nuclear power plants here. The lesson we should learn from this disaster is clear.

The first lesson we should learn is that nothing will ever be completely safe and the best that anyone can ask for is that while we are working toward anything, we take the lessons that we have learned to help create a blueprint for the future.  We have already addressed locating nuclear power plants anywhere near earthquake fault lines.  This needs to be one of the primary concerns of building more.  Another should be much more concentration of insuring capture and storing the uranium that could be the result of complete meltdowns.  We should begin to find better ways to treat those whose health may be affected by radiation sickness but most importantly the construction of these newer nuclear power plants that may be built.

We should not be so afraid as not to build more nuclear power plants but we should be smarter about it.  I agree that a little bit of all forms of new energy is a good thing and we should not rely heavily on one or the other but failing to construct them smartly and allowing construction to be more about profit that safety is not only a dumb idea but negligent.   For those plants currently operating, these new safeguards should be demanded and if any delay of plant owners rehabbing these facilities should be cause to shut it down immediately. 

The science of creating a safer system for nuclear power is not outside of our boundaries of understanding and with all of the great minds found here in this country, we can figure out those ways.  All we really need to do is be very proactive, pragmatic, open ourselves up to new ideas and examine every thought.  We can do better but we must know that no one will ever be able to prevent everything.  I am a strong believer in everything happens for a reason and any lesson not learned will be repeated over and over again until it is.  Do we really need this type of catastrophe to happen again before we use these lessons to do better?  Just a thought and I am no expert.


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