Hamas is under the wrong impression
The leaders of Hamas should know by now that they will receive no real outside help in securing a Palestinian state through violence but seem to be still stuck in the past. According to an article written by Aaron Heller of the Associated Press titled Gaza militants fire rockets deep into Israel “Hamas, which violently wrested control of Gaza from Abbas loyalists in June 2007, sees the diplomatic standstill as proof that only an armed struggle will win the Palestinians a state.”
Apparently they have not learned anything from the people of Egypt and others who used peaceful protests to achieve their goals. The only reason Egypt turned slightly violent was when they were fired and assaulted first. Hamas wish to be the first to push violence and wonders why they have not been taken seriously. They forget that even though Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is their rival, he has been trying to peacefully secure that same goal. “Abbas, who rules on in the West Bank, has rejected violence and condemned Wednesday's bombing.” “Peace talks between Israel and Hamas' rival, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, collapsed after the 2008 war, reviving only briefly for three weeks in September 2010.” Hamas should understand that what they advocate will never succeed and what it may bring to their very doorstep is retaliation for the harm caused to Americans who get caught up in their horrid acts.
Whether this will happen now or later depends on what is asked by the Israelis and the “real” Palestinians who are seeking peace and looking for ways to allow both the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Hamas firing rockets into Israel and allowing their members to strike out on their own to bomb busses or any other act to cause harm or injuries will forever keep them in the minority.
It may also make them less feared and more despised if something like what was reported “officials identified the victim of the Jerusalem bombing as Mary Jean Gardner, a 59-year-old British tourist who had been taking courses at Jerusalem's Hebrew University. In Washington, the State Department said five of the wounded were Americans, one of whom remains hospitalized” keeps happening.
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