While other adages fall away The Golden Rule remains
Being raised in the south I was always exposed to old wise tales or adages to help guide me through life. When I repeat these to my children they tend to look at me as if I have lost my mind. As they mature, they soon recognize that many of these adages still hold true today. Some but not all.
One of the many which has been proven wrong time after time is the old adage that “good guys always finish last”. This one is no longer true and probably wasn’t when it was first introduced because good guys are typically more content and seldom has to fear any regulators of rules because they are seldom if ever broken. We honor those “bad boys and girls” with hit TV Shows or block-busting movies but in the end they all will finally pay the ultimate price for their actions. Ever wonder why a bank robber who gets away clean will finally keeps trying until they get caught? It’s not because of the thrill, contrary to popular belief, it’s because they have no other choice. Each bad deed comes with a price and that price is restitution. Nothing ever done is hidden for long and will always be exposed to the light of day. Escape convicts often speak of getting tired of running because they could never really enjoy their lives and had to constantly keep looking over their shoulders. The good guys do not finish last they just have to run a little farther than the bad ones.
The Golden Rule is one though that remains as strong as before which states “treat others as you would have them treat you”. This adage has never lost it glow and remains as true as it was when it was first introduced. This is basically the creed that the good guys live by and in the end it can make for a better night sleep than the nightmares tormenting those who choose the wider path. The choices we make do more to determine our destiny than first believed and should be carefully considered. If you wish to take the wider, more worn path, you can have all that this world have to offer but if it costs you your soul, you lose much more than the one who chooses the razor’s edge. Look around at those who seem to always win and never lose, then watch closely as they lose and see just how blessed you really are. Life is not easy and it never will but seeking to compliment it with gains which cost way much more than its worth makes life a lot easier to deal with. Just my opinion, I could be wrong.
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