Lack of vision may be why America is behind in the Innovation War
America was once known as the “Land of Opportunity”, where someone with little to no standing could become someone of great influence. Where education was not strictly judged by the schools you attended but also by the experience you displayed. That seems so long ago now because now where you come from and the reputation of a particular educational institution is required. In other words it’s “who you know” that matters. The “who you know” saga is played out in today’s communities by credit reporting agencies and their control over credit scores. They can decide to lower them and make 600 the score needed to obtain financial help from traditional sources or they can raise them where only those with 720 credit score can avail themselves of those services. This is also now being used to determine if you are worthy of being hired regardless of the years of experience that you have. Right now many employers are using your credit report to determine...