Obama Administration stops defense of anti-gay marriage law and strikes a blow for true equality
It’s been a long time coming but finally its here. A decision that no longer forces one belief over another and offers to all equality seldom seen but often sought. My pride for this administration just shot up several notches.
According to Pete Yost of the Associated Press reports in his article titled Gov't drops defense of anti-gay marriage law the Obama administration said Wednesday it will no longer defend the constitutionality of a federal law banning recognition of same-sex marriage. Attorney General Eric Holder said President Barack Obama has concluded that the administration cannot defend the federal law that defines marriage as only between a man and a woman. He noted that the congressional debate during passage of the Defense of Marriage Act "contains numerous expressions reflecting moral disapproval of gays and lesbians and their intimate and family relationships — precisely the kind of stereotype-based thinking and animus the (Constitution's) Equal Protection Clause is designed to guard against."
Though I am not gay or know anyone who is, I am more than happy to see that finally all Americans can enjoy the same pleasure and pain that comes with marriage. It was never supposed to be any situation where some are allowed avenues that others could only dream about. We all bleed the same and we all have dreams and aspirations for something better. I could never understand why few are considered privileged when they live in the same wondrous place as this United States of America but more importantly I could never understand why many of my fellow military members had to fight and die for freedoms afforded to a few and not all. When we go to war we do so on behalf of the entire United States and not for those with deep pockets only or those who can quote Bible verses. If there is a little tickle in this story it’s what was also reported in this same article about the House Speaker’s comments.
Michael Steele, John Boehner’s spokesman was quoted as saying that "While Americans want Washington to focus on creating jobs and cutting spending, the president will have to explain why he thinks now is the appropriate time to stir up a controversial issue that sharply divides the nation." This is the same person who promised jobs if they were given control of the House and so far all we have is an assault on women’s rights. There has been not one report of anything about creating jobs since he took over as Speaker, on the contrary he has mentioned “so be it” when responding to the cuts that his party wants to make. He has not suggested to his fellow Republican Governors to stop the assault on unions. Now I know that it is the job of the state to choose which direction that they must follow and not his job to dictate what these governors should do but to remain quiet and fail on every attempt to fulfill the campaign promise of jobs leaves him very little, if any, room to say anything.
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