Number One Way to Creating a Better Relationship between You and Your Child
I’ve heard many parent ask the question of how they can get a better relationship with their children and to me the answer is quite clear. I’ve heard parents say that they wish that they could connect better or that they could understand better. The answer is as plain as the nose on your face.
Parents stop lying. Yes, that’s it. Too simple? Of course who in their right minds would think that a problem which has plagued parenthood for decades would be as simple as parents stop lying. How do you know if you are lying? If you have got to ask yourself that question, then you have already lied. I grow tired of hearing parents say that they work so hard to give their kids the things that they did not have. That’s a lie. You think your child wants a train set because they showed a little interest or is it really because you wanted one when you were little. You take your children to certain places only because you wish you could have been taken when you were a child. You promise your child a stop at McDonalds if they behave in the store and even though they still don’t behave, you still stop at McDonalds. Imagine this.
You ask your boss for a raise and he/she tells you “no”. You walk away thinking why and then you decide to try again the next day. They next day you ask and they give in and give you the raise. How many more times will you try this strategy now that you have succeeded in getting what you want from your boss? My guess, every single time. Why? Because your boss lied the first time and each time after that you are going to consider that he/she will be lying the next time they say “no”. How about the first time you try this strategy and it fails. What kind of feeling will you have for him/her after failing to get what you want.
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