The Unconscientious Choice of choosing a Mate
There have been much better qualified people than myself to approach this subject but as an experience there is something that have not been discussed.
Many believe that one conscientiously chooses their mate and that their decision is formed by many other factors including but not limited to neighborhood, parental approval, peer pressure or unvoiced social rules. I think its much more than that and the primary way one chooses a mate is more unconscientiously than conscientiously. It also varies a great deal between the sexes. Unconscientiously men choose a mate for a different reason than the female.
When a young man is still a little boy, he will unconscientiously store his first encounter with a female and that encounter will have a great deal to do with who he chooses for a mate later in life. He does not see color in the beginning, its all about who laughs at his jokes, smiles in his direction or genuinely suffers with him. If this female happens to be white, Asian, Latino, green or purple makes no difference to him. As he grows and things around him changes, he may gravitate in another direction because of some of the other factors mentioned above but it is almost without doubt that he will be most happiest when he returns to the first type of female that he identified in his earlier years. This tendency to return is more unconscientiously than conscientious.
A young girl is more influenced by her peers on the type of guy she will become interested in. Another major factor is rebellion. She will rebel against the common wisdom of choosing a mate especially if she disagrees with the reasoning behind that common wisdom. Men climb a mountain just to show other guys that they can. Women climb a mountain to show the world. For men simplicity is key to many decisions that they make while the female more carefully thinks it through. Growing up girls constantly hear that they can’t do certain things because they are females and this can sometimes be the driving force behind females rebelling to show the world that she can.
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