Mass Murderer Masquerades as a Doctor in Pennsylvania

Lately there has been stories that not only touched our heart strings like the unnecessary shooting spree of Jared Loughner in Tucson, Arizona where Dem Rep Gabby Gifford and so many others were injured, killed and traumatized but this story about the family practice doctor who murdered and injured so many in Philadelphia.  If we look closely enough though we can also see how one story can show us where we are lacking in other areas.  With the shooting in Tucson, we see that we are lacking in providing mental health services to the lowest and middle class families as well as the need for certain parts of limiting the amount of rounds magazines can carry.  With this story of the Pa doctor we are made aware of the need to include abortion coverage in the healthcare reform for this same group so that they can get proper medical care

“The "Women's Medical Society" opened in 1979 and was inspected by the state Department of Health only sporadically. The last inspection was in 1993. Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams accused state health officials of "utter disregard" for Gosnell's patients, who were mostly poor minority women.  "Unfortunately, some women don't know where to turn. You sometimes have substandard providers preying on low-income women who don't know that they do have other (safe) options," said Vicki Saporta, president of the National Abortion Federation, which rejected Gosnell from membership years ago because he did not meet its standards of care (Maryclaire Dale and Patrick Walters, Associated Press).  Because they have no other place to go means that they are “sitting ducks and the low-hanging fruit”.  It means that all one has to do is pretend to care, pretend to know exactly what to do to ease a small portion of her suffering and they are hooked.  It takes very little effort on the parts of the disgraceful to collect a windfall of profits. 

This weak and sad man had been operating for decades and those who assisted him in this carnage are just as guilty of taking advantage of people just like them and should face the same punishment that this Charles Manson wanta-be get.  People do not have to suffer like this and so silently.  They do not have to choose the worst of the worst in order to get the care that they need.  They deserve to be treated with the same consideration that wealthy and well known people get.  They deserve the same type of concern that those who donate more than $50.00 to a campaign get.  They deserve better and we need to stop looking at them as second class citizens and dollar signs with legs and start looking at them as who they really are people.

Providing adequate abortion care for those who seek it in an accredited and regulated facility is the least that we could do for our fellow Americans whether they was born her or came later.  Whether you agree with abortion or not is not a right to deny those services from those who do not share your view, no one has that right.  It’s the responsibility of this nation to care for those who are in no position to care for themselves and provide those services that they need in pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.


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