Wisconsin Governor takes a page from Iran’s playbook

Never thought that I would see the day again, when some of my fellow service members would be used as pawns in a game created by politicians.  We expect it when it comes to fighting for the freedoms of this nation.  Hell that’s what we signed up for but to be used to fight our own because a group of politicians do not wish to spread the pain of economic recovery around evenly was not what many signed up for.

As you may have already heard in one form of another the Governor of Wisconsin has checked to see if the National Guard would be free to help with the backlash he is sure will come when he cuts the states budget and place the burden of carrying an entire state directly on the backs of Wisconsin’s middle class.  If he had to even contemplate the use of the National Guard tells me that he knew the injustice of his actions long before he took them and that kind of arrogance slays me.  Its worst than hiking the Appalachian Trail.

Granted equal blame has to be shared with those Wisconsin voters that decided to stay home during the past election but that does not mean that the public employees are the only ones who should shoulder the re-construction of the state.  I am sure that if he asked, many Wisconsinites would be more than willing to pay their fair share to save their state but only their fair share.  Ask any real American if they are willing to contribute to the good of their state and nation.  You will get more people saying yes than you ever will saying no but to just do it is nothing short of a dictatorship.  Wisconsin is beginning to sound more like Iran with this group saying even though they know who is responsible for their budget deficit; they are going to displace that responsibility.  The sad part is, he spoke of defending the constitution and railed about how the other guy abused it.  Well who’s abusing it now and since this was done without a public debate, is this not taxation without representation?


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