Ted Williams- the Untold Story
When Keith Olbermann from Countdown, first introduced Ted Williams to his audience, it came as a shock. A homeless man with a radio voice to die for. His story of being up but allowing drugs and alcohol to bring him down was an American story. I looked upon Mr. Williams as a testament to how far the mighty can fall. Later his story became more than just a feel-good tale. It reached our level of consciences and gave us a reason to hope.
What happened later was more like those who acted as if they really cared, really didn’t. They saw him as a meal ticket and not a man. They saw him as a token of how good they could be and not a fellow human being who needs our help. He became their money maker and not their savior. Ted Williams is a drug addict and alcoholic and anyone who have the slightest idea on how to help those who find themselves in this situation know as very fragile people. He deserved better than he got and now there seems to be more detractors than supporters. He was doing quite well until he met Dr. Phil. A real life doctor with a TV show which needed ratings help. He brought the guy on to boost his ratings but in order to make himself feel superior he had to expose this guy as a liar. Dr. Phil accomplished his goal and I am sure that he feels much better that he has over shadowed yet another human being. Someone once said that no man is a giant if he stands on the shoulders of another.
Then comes Dylan Rattigan and his friend Toure whose portion of his show was dedicated to Ted Williams. In his rant he mentioned that Williams hold the hopes of all homeless people atop his thinly weak shoulders and if he fails so would the America which looks to help all of its people. If that is truly the case, then those who were acting as his schedulers should not have been allowed to expose him to so many so fast. Ted Williams appeared all over television and was enidated with so many offers it boggled the mind. This should have been handled as a trickle and not a flood. Anyone can be overwhelmed but when you are dealing with a drug addict and an alcoholic, getting overwhelmed could end up being s death sentence. Image a very hungry man being brought into a buffet and allowed to eat as much as he can. If attention is not closely paid to this individual it could be quite costly in the end.
In regards to the pressure, think about the pressure that was felt by Jackie Robinson as the first black in baseball or the pressure of Oprah when she really broke into television. How about the pressure of Barack Obama or the pressure of any one who was the first to break barriers. This is the same pressure that Mr. Williams was possibly facing and if it is true how anyone could allow a fellow human being to endure that alone. If they were assigned to watch over him how much of their income was based on the number of commitments he made?
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