South Carolina seeking its own currency is this nation headed for another Civil War?

It appears that the new crop of politicians is coming up with extraordinary laws and ways to make the whole world wonder if the United States has really lost its mind.  Talk about not being seen as a leader in the eyes of other countries anymore, on these current track politicians will have us back in the stone ages real soon now.

According to an article by Liz Goodwin titled South Carolina lawmaker wants separate currency for state.  “A South Carolina state politician wants the state to develop its own gold and silver-based currency in case the Federal Reserve collapses and hyper-inflation ensues.”  "If folks lose faith in the dollar, we need to have some kind of backup," State Sen. Lee Bright told the Spartanburg Herald Journal's Stephen Largen.”    “Slate's Annie Lowrey tracks down similar bills in Georgia and Virginia, and points out that the legislation reflects a larger trend of state politicians wading into monetary policy. A bill in Georgia would require all debts to the state be paid in pre-1965 gold and silver coins. The Virginia proposal would let the state print its own money. Meanwhile, one politician in Utah wants to cut out the middleman entirely and allow the state's residents to run their very own mints.”  While this may appear comical, it is far from funny.

The first thought I had was who would take he money and would other states recognize it as what South Carolina would deem it being worth.  Would I be able to take South Carolina currency and spent it full in North Carolina or would I have to exchange it to North Carolina currency.   How about when I go on vacation, would I have to buy everything I need in South Carolina and hope that my car runs on a wing and a prayer especially if I run low and there is no Currency Exchange open in the state where I take this vacation?  What we have here is a failure to think and if things continue what we may end up with is another civil war.

Only this time it will not be over slavery or started by a few states who want to leave the union.  It will be started by a few politicians who are so determined to see this nation crumble as long as it means that they do not have to admit that we have the first African-American president in office.  For those who say this is playing the “race card” I say it sure is because we have had many other democrats in that office and not even come close to some of the simple actions that we have seen and probably will seen more as this trend continues.  There has never been as much talk about succession as there has been lately nor a consistent opposition to moving this nation forward.  Had this talk surfaced prior to or during the crash of the economy, it would have probably been seen as somewhat viable but since the economy is getting better and rising, it smells of nothing more than a serious attempt to make this his Waterloo.


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