Do the protests in Tunisia and Egypt signal the end to One Person Rule?

I am sure that this is a question asked by other far more intelligent and knowledgeable than I but it is something that I have been wrestling with for a few days now.  I think that I may have an answer but again it is only coming from a layman.

The answer is yes and my proof is the number of countries whose leaders are now making changes to the way that they do business.  Some are heeding the voices of the Egyptian protestors and preempting their people by offering to change before they began to demand it.  I also believe that these events are also related to the huge number of jobs that American companies have moved overseas.  We all are aware that with anything American comes the American influence as well.  You have to look no further than the recent events where leaders have called for or in the process of changing their ways. 

American companies moved jobs overseas hoping to take advantage of “slave labor” and lining their pockets even more than they did with the heavenly tax breaks that they were receiving here at home.  They moved those jobs because they did not wish to pay American workers what they really was worth and thought that cheaper labor would offer the same quality as the quality that they could get with the “Made in America” brand.  Needless to say that they were wrong and now it is will get even steeper because those that they wanted to take advantage of are now being empowered to fight back.  If you wonder how America can fall so far behind other countries in education and manufacturing consider that one of our workers require approximately three times what theirs do and while to some that may sound like a good reason to consider moving that job, add this to the mix.  The majority of those items made there are brought back here to sell and if consumers can not afford to pay the extra charges paid to return the finished product here, that product will stay on the shelf.    Also consider the potential lawsuits filed because of the lack of a key feature found only in items made in America and that is pride.

I guess those who say that America has lost its influence in the world must have been looking at it through the eyes of business because this change is coming and it originates from the ground up not top down.  The protestors are talking overseas about having freedoms that many of us have forgotten that we have and soon they will be demanding these same freedoms when it comes to their paychecks.


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