Kudos to US Muslims

I had often wondered when American Muslims was going to stand up and say enough.  I often wondered at what point they were going to say that the social contract to reside in this country was more important than a few who takes their religion in vain.

Well it has happened.  One of the 5 students who are being held in Pakistan was turned in by their parents.  I believe now that American Muslims are getting so fed up with this stigma that all who worship Islam are evil.  They are tired of being defined by a true small percentage.  They are beginning to acknowledge that those who say that they are there to protect their fellow Muslims are really the ones who are killing more of them than those whom they say that they are there to protect them from.

It’s time we all applauded those American Muslims who have had enough of being the butt of hostility when they have done nothing to earn it.  We should let them know that we stand with them and appreciate their love for country as strong as ours.  It’s time for us to help them pass on the truth about what is truly happening within their community.  They deserve no less.

We can all take a lesson for the American Muslim community.  We can all began to say enough when it comes to what is happening in our own communities.  We need to say to all concern no more lies about anything.  We need to say we trusted you to do right by us; you need to trust us to do right by you, so give us the facts and let us make up our own minds.    We need to understand that a public option and a Medicare buy in may cover 10 pages of a 2000 page healthcare bill so let’s get the foundation built.  We need to say to all who will listen that we are more concerned with working together than we are working apart and we need to let everyone know that we need all of us to get off sideline and get into the game.         


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