Dem Lawmakers loose lips comments lands him in hot water

It never cease to amaze me just how one insensitive comment from a Democrat can go a long way in dismantling any good attempted by that same party.  Insensitive content has become to be somewhat expected from the Republican Party since the take over of the Tea Party but not so from democrats.  So when one loud mouth speaker stands in front of a crowd and do not address the nation as a whole, it hurts.  This is the case with Democratic Representative Michael Capuano of Massachusetts. 

According to The Hill Blog writer Michael O’Brien in his article titled Democrat urges unions to 'get a little bloody when necessary', this highly educated individual said this "I’m proud to be here with people who understand that it’s more than just sending an email to get you going."  "Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary."    He made this comment in front of union workers in Boston and I guess did not think that it would be played beyond the borders.  It was also reported that he was thinking about running against Scott Brown next fall.  My suggestion is if Mr. Capuano can not contain himself and look at what effect his rhetoric could cause then he does not need to run for dog catcher.  Stay home and do as the below mentioned lawyer does.  Tweet your dissatisfaction with events and speak to your audience of anyone who follows you but when it comes to speaking for this nation as a whole do it only if you can responsibly.

As mentioned above here is an example of anyone holding a serious office within any government speaking when it would have been wiser to keep quiet.  Adam Weinstein of Mother Jones Magazine writes in his article titled Indiana Official: "Use Live Ammunition" Against Wisconsin Protesters A conservative deputy AG let his emotions get out of hand. It wasn't the first time.  On Saturday night, when Mother Jones staffers tweeted a report that riot police might soon sweep demonstrators out of the Wisconsin capitol building—something that didn't end up happening—one Twitter user sent out a chilling public response: "Use live ammunition."  From my own Twitter account, I confronted the user, JCCentCom. “In response to such behavior, he said, "You're damned right I advocate deadly force." He later called me a "typical leftist," adding, "liberals hate police."  Only later did we realize that JCCentCom was a deputy attorney general for the state of Indiana.  Looks like someone prefers Lybia’s Gadhafi ways than Gandhi’s.

A deputy to the top law enforcement officer in the State of Indiana advocating violence enacted upon American citizens who are protesting peacefully.    Both Mr. Capuano and Mr. JCCentCom need to watch a little bit more footage of the civil rights march and the protests in Egypt.  Both got “a little bloody” and some lost their lives in the process of fighting for democracy.  If either one is against that please withdraw from your jobs and seek employment elsewhere.  My only remaining question is will we equally see pressure for both of these gentlemen forced to recant their vile rhetoric immediately?


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