The Auto Industry leads the way but will other bailed out companies follow?
It never ceases to amaze me just how blind some pretend to be and even though the proof is overwhelming still resides to deny that the sky is blue. Many campaigned on the push of the Obama Administration to bail out the auto industry. Some even promised doom and despair as the result of this action. Now that the auto industry is making a serious comeback and according to Tom Krisher of the Associated Press GM, Ford and Chrysler are preparing to pay their workers a big bonus, these same people are complaining that "Since the taxpayers helped these companies out of bankruptcy, the taxpayers should be repaid before bonuses go out," Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, said in a statement. "It sends a message that those in charge take shareholders, in this case the taxpayers, for a sucker."
Is it just me or are there some to whom what is actually going on at Main Street does not seem to appear on the radar of those in Washington. How can giving workers a bonus be anything like treating the taxpayers like suckers. The auto worker is a taxpayer or do I have it wrong? When will it come time for those who are maligned by loose lips say enough and begin to hold them accountable? On Main Street if someone defamed another’s character as some in Washington do, they would be facing a lawsuit for defamation of character. Maybe suing is over the line but firing them and hiring a more aware representative sure isn’t.
Image how the big three are leading the way. With these bonuses, workers may be able to now afford to not only get ahead on monthly obligations but purchase more and drive the consumer sales even higher. They may be able to save more and demand more products, clearing the way for more to get employment which in turn would have more consumers spending. The big two not only will pay back the money borrowed from taxpayers, making them whole, but taxpayers may even turn a profit in the long run. They lead the way because if all those who received bailouts would follow their lead, image how many more people would be able to spend, drive up the demand and create jobs for others.
This is a no-brainer but some would have you believe its more pie in the sky. The big three are doing what many true American companies should be doing and it will soon be seen if the other s follow suit or just stuff the profits under their mattresses like they have with the other billions that they are currently sitting on.
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