How some local Residents are saving lives and making a few bucks in the Process
In this terrible economy, there have been many stories of strife and struggle. Stories of families losing their homes, their jobs and yes, their very souls, yet through it all America’s middle class and poor perseveres. Still getting up every morning after praying that the night before, today to be better. Still checking the want ads and the job availabilities even though they have already applied to enough places to make a nomad tired. They still continue to do this because they have an unshakable faith in their God that one day, the sun will rise again. They do this because they refuse to quit, give in, lie down and accept the alternative. They do this because this is what “real Americans” do.
In the sprit of this “American Way” some local residents of Rockford, Illinois are going the extra mile to not only earn a little pocket change but to directly and indirectly save thousands by giving. Giving a part of themselves, giving a part of their river of life and living to see how their gifts are affecting others to live better and maybe even longer. I speak of the hundreds of Rockford residents who line up at Telecris Plasma Resources located at 1052 West Riverside Blvd in Rockford. They come to give and donate. They come to collect around $70.00 per visit and many return two weeks later to do it all again. In the beginning, many may have come just for the money and even though that may not be an unselfish act in the eyes of many, the result of their endeavor is.
These people are the poorest of the poor and the middle of the middle class. They are those that some see as “low-life’s” or “bums”. They are those that some see as the refuge of a society and they are those that some see as “free-loaders” or “lazy”, but they are none of those. They are people who sacrifice to pay their own way and they are people who do because they can or wish to. But most importantly they are people with the same hopes and dreams as the more wealthy of our society except they give without the fanfare and notoriety. They are the quiet donors whom no one sees or even recognize. They are heroes to those they help but will forever remain name and faceless. They are role-models to any society regardless of the reason that they give.
To donate one must be 18 years or older and weight at least 110 lbs. Must be able to endure a medical exam and be clear of diseases. First visit should take about an hour and have proper identification and an original social security card. Telecris also requests that donors eat 2 hours before and drink plenty of non-alcoholic liquids such as water or juice. They can be contacted by phone at 815-633-7125. Whether you choose to give or not, just know that those that do deserve as much respect and civility as you.
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