Why the Tea Party will always remain a minority party

In the beginning the voice of the Tea Party spoke for many of us who were feeling disenfranchised and ignored.  It rang the bell for so many to finally get up off the sideline and into the game.  It was a true grassroots organization and many flocked to join but it eventually began to splinter into other groups that soon spelled the downfall of a once great organization.  The splinter groups began to see this as an opportunity to make big profits instead of making big changes.  They saw this as a way to impress and impose than an avenue to a more perfect nation.  They saw it as a way to advance their agenda instead of an agenda for this country as a whole and because of that many who finally realize just what they may be wishing to do no longer fit what they had thought was the original purpose.

Listening to Ms. Amy Kremer, Chairman of the Tea Party Express this morning on C-Span made me realize this more than ever before.  She spoke about the origination of the tea party and said that it was something steaming under the surface long before Obama took office and if so, the question becomes why are they so associated with the Republican Party instead of a party that stands separate from both?  Rand Paul holds a mantle of Tea Party but the things he believes in are not those which are embraced by the majority and therefore should not be looked upon to be the voice of those who desire a stronger Dept of Education.  Ms. Kremer says that they favor returning that power back to the states and that would probably be a good idea had not the reason for federal intervention been a disenfranchised minority denied access to a decent public education.  It happened before and if one were to look at the recent laws being passed by state officials, it would appear that it would happen again.  Do we really need to repeat history before we learn from it?

Ms. Kremer mentioned that the government needs to get out of our lives and I suppose to a naïve person that would make sense but to a realist it does not.  The federal government will forever and always be a part of our lives because without their interventions much of what is just and fair in this nation would never be just and fair.  The spokespersons for this party talks about a small government but yet want to have a situation where all pregnancies are monitored and enforced to birth.  How can you have a small non-intrusive government while having a law that makes all women who get pregnant carry to term?  Ms. Kremer mentioned that she believed that the private sector could create the instruments necessary to keep our skies safe to fly, water safe to drink and air safe to breathe without the requirements of the federal government but what was not explained is what happens when the voice of the poor is unheeded.  Who represent those who are struggling to make ends meet?  It can not be the same people who speak for them because had that been the case, their contingents would be in a much better shape by now.  Have not many of these speakers been in office long enough already or should they be given another 4 plus years?

Enough is enough; you want to be a transformational party then start where the good legislation left off and begin where the bad legislation starts to go bad.  Do not go back to the very beginning because of the years it took to even get this bad legislation.  No racer ever wins the race by going backwards before they begin to move forward.  The Tea Party will always remain a minority party because once their real agenda is discovered those who once claimed to be a part of the group will slowly and quietly ease away.  Their ideas may not be extreme but those who claim the title and stand before the camera as a representative are and that is enough to make many run and hide.


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